Explore the Global Sentiment Survey with Don Taylor

In this interview, Adam chats with Don Taylor, Chair of the Learning Technologies Conference and Learning and Skills Group, as well as the Network Chair at VC Emerge Education.Don runs the Global Sentiment Survey, which finds out what L&D professionals think will be hot this year and the main challenges they foresee. In this episode, Adam and Don discuss:The top five answers of the Global Sentiment Survey.How the answers in the survey are analysed.The challenges around AI for L&D professionals.The differences between the first survey in 2016 and 2024, moving from social learning to AI.Download the GSS: https://donaldhtaylor.co.uk/research_base/global-sentiment-survey-2024/Connect with Don on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/donaldhtaylor/

Om Podcasten

Welcome to the L&D Challenges podcast series. If you are in Learning and Development, HR, Talent, or Organisation Development, this is the podcast for you. The L&D Challenges podcast is a candid look at L&D today. It focuses on real-life practitioners solving real issues in learning and staff development. In Series 1, we interview ten L&D movers and shakers who shared with us how they think about engagement and impact with their learning interventions. The guests in this first series range from senior L&D professionals at global corporates like Ricoh, Continental, and EDF to solo L&D practitioners in fast-growing organisations. Each tackles the problem of how we best train and retain talent and maximise the business impact of L&D. We thought we’d get a few friendly tips and tricks from these interviews about increasing engagement in learning and measuring impact. In reality, we learned so much more and think you will too.