How do you design a football kit? | Everything you need to know!

Jimmy & Fenners are joined in the new FC Bullard studio by kit design legend Rob Warner to find out exactly what goes into designing a football shirt.  We find out the 3 golden rules of kit design, discuss what makes a classic shirt and we look at the influence of fashion in football.  Most importantly, we want to see your ideas for the FC Bullard kit.  Get involved on the socials by searching for ‘FC Bullard’ or email us on  Sign up for ‘Kit Design – From Concept To Reality’ at and get a huge 25% discount by using the code FCBULLARD at checkout. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Om Podcasten

FC Bullard is a football club founded by Jimmy Bullard and John Fendley, aka Fenners.  Right now, they have nothing. No kit, no stadium, no manager, no badge, no players…  Each episode they decide what they need at FC Bullard and interview for the role. Sometimes they speak to big name guests from the world of football. Sometimes they hear from grass roots legends. Sometimes it’s just them two chatting absolute nonsense. FC Bullard. Welcome to the club.