Are we there yet?

Welcome back to the Art of Being Brilliant Podcast. This week, Mike Martin takes us on a journey, quite literally, as he compares life to a challenging hike in the Welsh hills. Mikey shares how the twists, turns, and steep climbs of the trail are a lot like our path to self-improvement. Just when you think you’ve reached the top, there’s always another hill to climb. But don’t worry, there’s a pub (or a rewarding break) at the end of every trek. Tune in to hear Mike’s three key lessons on how to keep going, embrace new goals, and enjoy the endless adventure of becoming your best self.

Om Podcasten

Dr Andy Cope is a best-selling author and keynote speaker. His weekly podcast provides wisdom, advice, top tips, tears and laughter. His mantra; If you’re gonna rise, you may as well SHINE. Treat yourself to some wellbeing TLC