27. The Zoo Gang

We made it! The final episode of the first series of 'An A to Z of UK TV Drama' is in the can. Rather than choosing the rather obvious Z Cars we thought instead that with this instalment that we'd take a much overdue trip into the world of ITC with the French Riviera-set crime caper The Zoo Gang. First broadcast in 1974 this series, based on the book by Paul Gallico (The Poseidon Adventure), was filmed in Nice and at Pinewood and starred Sir John Mills, Lilli Palmer, Brian Keith and Barry Morse who played four former resistance agents reunited 28 years after the war. Termed The Zoo Gang because of their codenames during the war: The Elephant, The Leopard, The Fox and The Tiger. A raft of familiar guest stars include Roger Delgado (in his last starring role post-Doctor Who), Jacqueline Pearce, Peter Cushing, and Philip Madoc. Both Andy and Martin find much to enjoy here and not just because they get the opportunity to try out their French or, rather, their French accents! Highlights include the title theme by Paul and Linda McCartney, the performances of the main cast, and the fun heist & hustle plots. Some of the acting isn't that great (coo-ee Ingrid Pitt!) and some of the storylines a bit convoluted but this limited-run 6 episode series still feels like a fun and upbeat way to end our series. This episode was brought to you by the words: malheureusement, maintenant, and perdue. As for 'Another A to Z of UK TV Drama' you'll just have to wait and see.

Om Podcasten

Archive television podcast in which Andy Priestner and Martin Holmes explore a new UK drama every episode, offering informal critique, insights and trivia. Join them every fortnight for televisual-based larks.